Thanksgiving Roast Vegetables…

Allan bought me wonderful turkey for Thanksgiving but like the first ever turkey I cooked for a Thanksgiving – five years ago – it decided to take me on.   But as with the most recent turkey battle that is a story for another day.

It being Thanksgiving I decided that all sorts of root vegetables were called for and decided to roast them together, after par boiling the potatoes to ensure soft centres with crispy coatings.

I quarted potatoes, onions, turnips, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes and some peppers for colour.

The potatoes were par boiled but everything else was raw when I added it to the oil I had preheated in a medium high oven – around 425.

I held the peppers back for a while as I wanted them to be obvious and not melted into the rest.

I seasoned with garlic sea salt and Italian seasoning.  And added a splash of balsamic just before serving.

They roasted for in a medium oven until the raw vegetables were fork tender and ready to gobble up!

Roasted Root Vegetables