Being “green”.

Since moving down here I have had great plans on eating locally and seasonally.  I planned to buy from farmer’s markets so that not only would it be seasonal but also local.  I set a target of no more than 100kms.

But then we got here and my illness has developed and got worse, to the extent that the farmer’s market was too much for me and the only times we went were the first week we were here and then the last weekend in summer.  Which went very badly as it turns out I was standing looking at something too long so an older man pushed me out of the way so he could look at the tomatoes I was choosing from and when I started crying (because people scare me) and hid behind Allan (after climbing off the stall he pushed me onto) he started screaming at me in Ukranian.  Which was bad, for me, as I just got more hysterical and determined that going out was such a bad idea.

It was also bad as Allan played semi pro soccer for a lot of teams in his youth and he tells me that the first words you learn in their language are “faster”, “slower” and then a range of cursing and swearing.   And it seems that the man was calling me names that Allan understood, so he decided to advise the guy to check for his parents’ marriage certificate and his own DNA to check who his father was.

Then he got me the heck out of there.

So, my plans for seasonal and local… not working out as I had hoped…

Allan does the grocery shopping as I can’t go into a store without heavy meds and I am not keen on being so doped up (or down) all the time.

Then this morning I got an email from my cousin with the great name (Alison) and it resonated with me.

My Nannie and Nanda were the greenest people I ever knew and it wasn’t intentional, it was just how they were.

If you want to read the email click the link…